Saturday, September 23, 2006 SPORTSNATION - Vote: MVP Tracker

Ryan Howard Philadelphia Phillies
Who's gonna win the NL MVP? Will it be Ryan Howard or Albert Pujols? Howard's got the best power numbers, and he will no doubt become the youngest player to hit 60 homeruns. He will most likely have over 150 rbi's. He has had a monster 2nd half. But does that guarantee him the MVP? Can he hold off Pujols? The Cardinals will make the playoffs, but it remains to be seen with the Phillies. The MVP has gone to a playoff contender 12 out of the last 16 winners. However, the Phillies wouldn't be close to the playoffs without Howard. I am a huge Pujols fan, but if the season ends today, I give my vote to Ryan Howard. Vote yourself below. And comment here to let me know what you think. SPORTSNATION - Vote: MVP Tracker


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